Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Modeling a Whale Call with Matlab

I did my computer probation in a company called FIGES last year. In one of these days, my job was modeling a whale call of a blue whale. To do this firstly I did a long research, because I have needed some equations to represent whale call. According to my research: Befitting the largest mammal on earth, the call of an adult blue whale...
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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Firefox Babylon Add-on and More

Everyone knows Babylon dictionary, it is one of the most common dictionary that used in the world. A free babylon extension for firefox is available here. It works quite enough, the requirement is just clicking the word that you wanna search twice. Babylon Dictionary But missing part is that: It doesn't save the word you search...
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Monday, August 19, 2013

Loops in Matlab ( for in matlab, while matlab, for matlab)

There are two loops in matlab: For loops  While loops For loops are used when the number of loop is certain whereas while loops are used when the condition is specified for a loop to terminate the code in it.  You can see the usage form of for loops and while loops from given examples below: Example 1: For loop for i=1:4, i end Example 2: While loop a=0; while(a<10) a= a+1; a For information in detail...
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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Flash for Linux

Hi guys, most of the linux distributions do not include flash as default installed software. Mint comes with flash but such as in ubuntu it is not preinstalled. So we have to install it. There are a few ways to install flash in linux: 1.   - open software center         - enter 'adobe flashplugin        ...
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Monday, August 12, 2013

Flashlight Android Application

Hi guys, today I wanna tell about one of my experince on android app development. A couple of days ago, I wrote a Flashlight android app using docs in developer.android.com, I checked the app in two different phones: first in a Motorola phone: my app worked perfect, it did its job. (turning on and turning off flash of the camera) second...
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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Initial Arrangement Example in Matlab

str2=input('','s');<br /> if strmatch('do the arrangements\n',str2)<br /> <br />     disp('Yes Sir')<br /> end<br /> <br /> <br /> cd 'path'<br /> winopen('path');<br /> fprintf('Welcome to Matlab, Mr. 'name'\nCurrent Directory is rearranged, and the mlbe file is opened.\n');<br /> <br /> str1=input('','s');<br /> if strmatch('thanks',str1)<br...
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A Traveling Wave by Making an Animation in MATLAB

clc %clears the command window<br /> clear %clears variables<br /> %Variables:<br /> %Eo wave amplitude (V/m)<br /> %f frequency (Hz)<br /> %omega angular frequency (rad/s)<br /> %t time snapshot<br /> %c speed of light<br /> %z position<br /> %E Electric...
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How to add Categories to Blogger

Guys, today I will tell about categories in blogger. Unfortunately there is no any category widget in blogger. So we have to create it by ourselves. To do this We have two solutions. First Solution: We can use labels with Links widget. Let me Explain with an example let’s say We want Matlab,Linux,Apple as our site’s categories. Then we need to add these names as labels to our posts. Then by clicking the labels in Labels widget...
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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

CPU Temperature Alarm System

Hi,  I want to write about Cpu Temperature Alarm System I have done by using advantages of linux kernel and linux shell. (I used bash shell in my script by the way.) One of the biggest advantages of linux is to reach hardware components easily through kernel. The communication with hardware comes true as given in the following steps: 1....
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Monday, August 5, 2013

Tuning Processes

Introduction In real-time systems some processes can cause huge problems, or slowing down the system performance. In such situations we need to tune the running processes. With tuning I mean stopping or killing the process. To be able to do this and to know when we need to know what processes currently runnig and when process start up? Especially, administrators need this. Because unexpected processes needs to be down or...
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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Format USB(flash drive) From Terminal

It's easy to format usb drives from terminal. But, you need to first find what's your usf file system. To find this we can use df command. df: report file system disk space usage  Also, to be able to format the usb, usb shouldn't be mount, if it is we are going to unmount it. Now, just to be clear I am going to format my own usb step by step, at required steps I will give the terminal screenshots. Steps...
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Saturday, August 3, 2013

System Logs in Linux

Introduction to syslogd syslog daemon responsible from syslog. This structure collects all messages from running programs to the logs. It categorizes all of messages according to its types and priority, and presents to us. This is very useful for error debugging. We can use this messages to find the actual problem if we have any one at any time. Actually I used that in my previous post. You may wanna see it. Reading Logs Now,...
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Friday, August 2, 2013

Gimp The GNU Image Manipulation Program

Gimp is an alternative software to Photoshop. Most users of linux use Gimp instead of Photoshop. Last version of Gimp is 2.8. I use it myself in my ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot and Linux Mint 1.14 Nadia. I recommend it to you if you are using a distiribution of linux. If you are using Windows or other platforms, I think Photoshop is...
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