Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wireless networks are not being seen by network manager

Summary: In this article I am going to show you the solution of the problem: wireless networks are not being seen by network manager even if wireless card drivers are installed. Yesterday, I reinstalled Linux 1.14 Nadia in my pc. After that I installed my wireless card driver which is Broadcom Corporation BCM4312. I learned its name and version from lspci command. lspci is a command on Unix-like operating systems...
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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Dice Simulation with C or C++

I wanted to model the dice simulation using C or C++. You can see the codes in the following. ...
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C veya C++ ile Zar Atma Simulasyonu

Bu programımda zar atmayı C ile modellemek istedim. Program kodlarını aşağıda görebilirsiniz. ...
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Thursday, July 25, 2013

CPU Sıcaklık Alarmı Sistemi

Merhabalar, bu yazımda linux kernel ve linux shell in verdiği harika avantajlardan faydalanarak yaptığım CPU Sıcaklık Alarmı Sistemini anlatmak istedim. Linux un bize sağladığı en büyük avantajlardan biri kolaylıkla hardware bileşenlerine ulaşabilmemizdir. Hardware ile iletişim şu şekilde gerçekleşir : 1. Kullanıcı isteklerini kodlar...
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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Dictionary With Python

Python is a fast programming language as compared to other programming languages such as C, C++, java.. Also it is have a dictionary class which is very useful to create databases. So I thought writing a dictionary app with python would be efficient, fast and easy to build up. If you don't have python installed in your system, you can...
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Monday, July 22, 2013

Install Android SDK on Eclipse On Linux Distributions

To start developing Android apps we need to first choose an IDE platform or environment. I recommend Eclipse. It is really good and efficient to develop android apps. I will give the step by step installation of Eclipse and set up it to develop android apps. Reqired Steps: 1. Open a terminal by typing Ctrl+F2 2. Type 'sudo apt-get install eclipse' enter, enter your password , this will install Eclipse platform. 3.  After...
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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Linux Mint 1.14 Nadia Wireless Problem

I installed Linux Mint 1.14 Nadia a few months ago. Wireless  wasn't working because of the driver was not installed. In some linux mint distributions you can have this problem, nadia is one of them. Also, in some ubuntu distributions you can have the wireless problem too. To solve this problem you need to install wireless driver and reboot your computer or restart network services. To doing this there is several methods....
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